Monday 16 December 2013

快播(QVOD Player)播放qmv和BD时很卡 的解决办法 Method to solve QVOD player lagging problem

1. 因为QMV视频文件都是高清文件,播放的时候会比较占用硬件资源,应该是您的电脑硬件配置较低,您可以尝试设置一下,应该可以缓解播放QMV视频卡的问题。 2. 关闭画质增强功能 Because all kind of QMV files and BD files are HD files, when they play, they will use the processor resources depends the frame setting, it may cause lagging problem if you owned lower computer specification. To solve this, you can try set the following setting. Goto Setting > Options > Play > Player work mode > Smooth first
If the problem still occur, just off the picture quality enhancement when playing the video.

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