Saturday, 21 December 2013

Friday, 20 December 2013


How to print setup list in English version:

1. Push the Setup button, hold setup button and press the reset button once. Release Setup button after it.
2. You will see the display show "Extended Setup"
3. Press Quality until you see the display show option "87 Setup Listing"
4. Press button M.LF (↑), until you see "List: All set", prepare 5 pieces of paper to print out all setting from the printer.
5. Press Enter button, and the printer will print itself
6. Finally press the Reset button one times, the printer will be initialize to normal state.

In Malay version:

Printer DP 8524 MK II adalah tipe printer dot matrix dengan spesifikasi penggunaan ukuran format A3. Jenis ini memang tipe keluaran lawas/model lama. Orang (pengguna printer jenis ini) biasanya mengalami kesulitan untuk menggunakannya, disebabkan tidak adanya “Original CD-drivernya”, sehingga mengalami kesulitan untuk menginstallnya di computer.

Kebetulan saya sendiri mengalami hal tersebut, computer yg sudah terinstall driver printer DP 8524 MK II mengalami masalah sehingga harus diinstall ulang, akibatnya, jelas seluruh driver yg sudah terinstall terhapus. Sementara “Original CD-driver” sudah entah kemana.
Ini adalah sekelumit hasil pengalaman yang saya dapat, setelah “ngoprek” printer DP 8524 MK II, tanpa “Original CD-driver”. 

Yang perlu diingat : 
1. Kita menginstall printer ini pada computer tanpa “Original CD-driver”nya.
2. Karena printer ini menggunakan sistem “Emulation”, maka pada printer ini sudah terdapat sistem deteksi driver otomatis, yang sesuai dengan printer ini.
3. “Driver Emulator” yang sesuai dengan printer ini adalah tipe Epson LQ-2550, Epson Compatible 24 pin, IBM 2931 PLUS, dan HP 480 Ruggedwritter. 
4. Pada pengguna computer dengan OS Windows XP, 3 (tiga) driver printer pertama sudah merupakan bawaan, artinya kita tinggal menginstall/mengaktifkan driver tersebut pada panel printer di computer.
5. Yang saya lakukan adalah menginstall ke-3 driver tersebut pada computer.
6. Setelah driver terinstall, hubungkan printer DP 8524 MK II dengan computer dengan menggunakan kabel LPT, NYALAKAN PRINTER.
7. Pada posisi stand by, TEKAN DAN TAHAN tombol SETUP/EXIT, tanpa melepas tombol SETUP/EXIT, TEKAN tombol RESET 1 KALI, hingga muncul “EXTENDED SETUP” pada layer printer.
8. Lepas tombol SETUP/EXIT, gunakan tombol PARK dan QUALITY untuk fungsi  dan  untuk mencari menu “87. SETUP LISTING”.
9. Gunakan tombol ↑ atau ↓ untuk cari “LIST : ALL SET”  ENTER
10. Nah kalo ni printer mank normal, die mulai ngeprint, siapin 5 (lima) lembar kertas.
11. Dari hasil prin tsb, lilat menu “10. EMULATION”
12. Balik lagi ke layar printer, cari menu tsb. (ULANGI LANGKAH KE-7)
13. Kalo dah ketemu, gunakan tombol ↑ atau ↓, disitu akan ada pililhan emulator yang mau dipake sesuai dengan driver yang diinstall (bias HP, Epson atau IBM). (saran : Hasil lebih bagus pake emulator Epson – inget driver yang terpasang pun harus Epson LQ-2550 atau Epson compatible 24 pin).
14. Tekan ENTER, tekan tombol EXIT/SETUP  minta RESET  tekan tombol RESET.
15. Nah bisa deh buat print…test print aja dulu…
16. INGET kalo lampu ON LINE mati gak akan bisa ngeprint, tekan dulu tombol ON LINE.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Canon MP230 drivers

Size / OS:

Last Updated:


14.1 MB / Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows Vista 64 bit / Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 bit / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 bit
April 23rd, 2013, 14:56 GMT

Download here

Updating ESET products offline and creating a backup database

So What is it about

Eset's product (Eset NOD32 antivirus and ESET SMART SECURITY) is one of the best faster antivirus.But the main problem that its user found is
  • The update is not available for those who are not connected to internet (offline update)
  • The backup of update is not possible.Which means that if one reinstall Eset he have to download the whole database again.This is a great problem for slow internet connection users

What are we going to do

We will use nod32view tool for this purpose.There may be other software using this tool ensure that you can download update from the official server of ESET.Using software which use unofficial server is not recommended.[Often dangerous too!! :-) ]
Download the Nod32view from here


This tool(nod32view) gives u information about update of NOD32(ESS also) on different servers and allow to download update mirrors.It also can download update mirror of some supporting antivirus,spyware system.

The process goes like this

1.Now run the exe file and extract or install the program to a directory,supposeD:\NOD32view
2.Uncheck all other update module if you want to use only eset update and press next.
3.Finish extracting.If you want to update from another computer copy these files to your portable device.Then follow the steps.

4.After launching the program ,the program will automatically search for eset update servers.
choose yes to confirm the changes.
Now The following screen appears. The left panel represents server name and the right side display the server file information.

5.Now choose for which version you want to download the update, either NOD V2 Or V4 from the top left panel.
6.Then place your user id and password in the userid and password field and then test whether the user id and password is valid just as shown below.To test the id/pass use the proper version from drop down menu.
(This step is a must,you cannot update if you are not test them,click the image to a have closer look)
There will be a prompt whether you want to save the password to list for future update,choose as you wish.

Now double click on any server to retrieve the update information.If any update available you can saw this window.
If you are updating for first time it will be all green inn right side.
Now right click on the server and choose update mirror.The updating will be start.
After download v4 update will be in D:\nod32view\est_upd folder and V2 update will be in D:\nod32view\nod_upd folder. (Remember we have started with D:\NOD32)

Now it's time to update your NOD32/ESS

It is a quite simple process..
Open nod32/ESS window by double clicking on tray icon,Hit F5.Click on updateon left side pan the edit server on right hand side,
put the folder path there.For v4 put D:\nod32view\est_upd , for V2 put D:\nod32view\nod_upd.
Then update your antivirus.
This process is quite useful who doesn't have an internet connection or slower connection.You can use this update files to update another NOD32 client.

快播(QVOD Player)播放qmv和BD时很卡 的解决办法 Method to solve QVOD player lagging problem

1. 因为QMV视频文件都是高清文件,播放的时候会比较占用硬件资源,应该是您的电脑硬件配置较低,您可以尝试设置一下,应该可以缓解播放QMV视频卡的问题。 2. 关闭画质增强功能 Because all kind of QMV files and BD files are HD files, when they play, they will use the processor resources depends the frame setting, it may cause lagging problem if you owned lower computer specification. To solve this, you can try set the following setting. Goto Setting > Options > Play > Player work mode > Smooth first
If the problem still occur, just off the picture quality enhancement when playing the video.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Fix for “Windows Update cannot currently check for updates, because the service Is not running”

Microsoft normally releases security patches for its Windows Operating System on the second Tuesday of each month (Patch Tuesday), with the exception being updates to the definitions for Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials, which are released daily. There are also times when the company will release system critical patches outside of the Patch Tuesday period. With that said, these updates from Microsoft help keep your system secure among other things and should be downloaded and installed as often as they are released.
Now to the problem. I have had the opportunity of having to fix several computer in the recent past (including a few minutes ago) where the Windows Update utility returns the following error:
windows update error
For those of you who may have experienced this error, you would know that even after restarting the service and the computer the error keeps popping up when you try checking for updates. So how do you fix it?
  1. Click on Start
  2. Go to Computer or My Computer (based on the version of Windows you’re using)
  3. Go to the C drive (or whatever drive letter has the OS installation)
  4. Go to the Windows folder
  5. Go to SoftwareDistribution
  6. Go to DataStore
  7. Go to Logs
  8. Delete the edb.log file (if you’re not seeing the .log part, then delete the files that simply says edb)
  9. Restart your computer and try running the Windows Update Utility again
For the more techie among you, here’s the file path:
The edb file keeps track of the update history and status of your computer. If the status cannot be determined then the updates won’t run. This often happens as a result of the file becoming corrupted.
NB: If the file does not exist (as in after you’ve deleted it), upon restarting your computer the OS will recreate it, assume that updates were never run or installed and should start working as normal again.
Please let me know if this fix worked for you in the comment section of this post.
UPDATE: If you’re having trouble deleting the files then you’ll need to ensure that the Windows Update utility has been stopped first. Here’s what you can do:
  1. Go to Start and type services.msc
  2. Hit Enter
  3. Scroll down to find Windows Update
  4. Right mouse Click on Windows Update and choose Stop (Do not close the windows)
  5. Now go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ and try deleting all files in the folder again
  6. Go back to the Services window and start Windows Update (Right mosue click on Windows Update and choose start)
  7. Restart your computer.
- See more at:

Install Driver Epson LQ-2170 in Windows 7?

Case yang gw alamin adalah, ada 1 PC yang menggunakan windows 7, dan pada pc tersebut terdapat 1 buah printer lawas yaitu Epson LQ-2170, asumsi gw di windows 7 bisa langsung mendeteksi printer tersebut dan ternyata asumsi gw salah, padahal jelas-jelas di situsnya terpampang bahwa Epson LQ-2170 sudah compatible dengan windows 7

Hasil pencarian driver LQ-2170 untuk windows 7 via google juga tidak menemukan hasil yang memuaskan. beberapa jam kemudian setelah gw meng “explore otak” akhirnya gw berhasil dan ternyata sangat mudah hahahhaha ok here it is the answer. (ternyata cuma butuh akses internet doang :P )
1. Add printer

Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
2. Pilih Port yang digunakan

Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
3. Pilih type Epson pada colom sebelah kiri (Manufacture) dan pada bagian kanan, anda tidak akan menemukan Driver Epson LQ-2170, dan untuk itu anda harus mengklik button “Windows Update” tunggu sejenak karna proses download driver sedang berlangsung (kurang lebih 5 menitan kok )

Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
4. Dan setelah selsai menunggu lama alhasil driver Printer Epson Q-2170 sudah siap anda instal. selanjutnya silahkan anda urus sendiri, mau di share kek, mau diuninstal kek, up2u.

Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
Instal Epson LQ-2170 In Windows 7
Semoga membantu.